Hey Ya'll (I'm channeling my southern side!!!),
     I got back to school tomorrow boo so there may not be to much updates these next few weeks but have no fear there is still a lot to come!!! I changed around a lot of characters powers (they weren't working for me) and i posted a complete list of powers under the book of shadows!!! I will be posting more stuff in the "book of shadows" section soon hopefully including more pages and spells!!!! Im also working on a story right now!!! Hopefully i wont get writers block like i seem to be having a lot lately and that should be going up soon so look out for that!!! Oh almost forgot (in fact i did and i posted this but then i came back to edit it so yay for edit button) new pics up and not just of the characters but there parents, different places the story takes place, cool icons and some random ones like a pic of melinda's cat (so cute btw) and blue prints of the manor so check it out!!!

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